Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

These are my favorite pumpkin muffins.  I found the recipe at one of my favorite frugal-mom websites, Money Saving Mom.  They are probably not the healthiest muffins with two cups of sugar and one and a half cups of oil, but they are absolutely the best pumpkin muffins I've found.  They are so moist and fluffy.  I like to use Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips in this recipe.  It adds something that other chocolate lacks!  This huge batch makes 24 regular size muffins and 16 mini muffins when I cook it.  What's the best part of making a batch of muffins this big?  These muffins freeze amazingly well.  I wait for them to cool down, place them on a cookie sheet and throw them in the freezer for about 20 minutes.  Once they are frozen solid, toss them in a ziploc bag and keep them for a couple of months in the freezer.  C loves to take a couple out of the freezer and let them defrost in his desk at work.  He says they are ready to eat by lunchtime, and actually likes them better that way instead of straight out of the oven.  Me?  I'd eat them in a house, with a mouse, on a boat with a goat...they are that good!  Thanks Money Saving Mom for creating such a delicious treat!

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