Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Shabby Shoppe Sale

Head on over to The Shabby Shoppe today and you will find yourself in digital scrapbook wonderland.  They are having a 25% off sale for almost every item in the store.  I have been wanting to purchase a few of the kits, but just hadn't taken the time to sit down and order and download them yet.  Well I'm glad I "waited"...because I just got everything I wanted and more at a 25% discount.  And those who know me know I can't resist a good sale!  The last file just finished downloading and I must say that I am in love with the kits I bought.  I decided on Bounce, Smarshmallows, and Sandbox just to name a few!  I can not wait to use this on some new layouts and can't wait to share them with you!  If you still aren't certain that you are ready for digital scrapbooking and don't want to commit any money to it yet, check out their free kits here.  I've downloaded just about everyone of these and LOVE them!  You will too!
The Shoppe sale ends on October 4, so hurry and check it out!

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