Thursday, October 28, 2010

Scrapbooking Weekend means Major Progress!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I'm trying to recover from a weekend away!  I spent the whole weekend at a fantastic scrapbooking retreat.  Between the socializing, the delicious meals (that were served to us, we didn't have to lift a finger), and creating 54 digital pages, there wasn't a lot of time for sleep!  I'm so excited that I was able to complete portions of our 2010 book from January to the middle of June.  I'm in love with digital scrapbooking!  I felt a little guilty about not having anything tangible to bring home to show C, but once I opened all the files to show him I felt better.  I really had done a lot!  I'm putting all my digital freebies and downloads to good use!  I just wanted to share a few of my favorites from the weekend with you guys!  Thanks for checking them out, I've added the links to the templates, papers and fonts if you are interested in downloading any of them from their respective websites!  Happy Scrapping! (Just a note: they aren't shown at the highest resolution, blogger doesn't support gigantic file sizes.  Just know that when they are printed out they will be crystal clear.)

Papers and Elements: Bounce by Shabby Princess
Font: Pea Amy from Kevin and Amanda

Paper and Elements: Simple Pleasures
Paper and Elements: Happy Go Lucky
Font: Digs My Hart and Arial 
Paper and Elements: Roseytoes Designs
Fonts: Rebekah's Birthday and the Blue Cabin (Are you starting to see that I have a little bit of a KevinandAmanda font obsession??)

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