Friday, November 12, 2010

Andes Mint Cake Balls - Week 7 of 12 Weeks of Cookies!!  I am in love with this chocolate and mint delight!  I'm surprised there were any left to take a photo of after I sampled the first few.  OK, the first six!  Lucky for you guys this recipe makes a lot, so there's enough for you to eat and for you to share with friends (if you want, I won't tell if you don't).  I love making cake balls.  They remind me of little petit fours without all the work.  Don't get me wrong, you will have to do a little work but not much!  It's a delicious little cake covered in chocolate, how could that go wrong?  It can't!  So let's get to the recipe!
Andes Mint Cake Balls
Method: Bakerella
Chocolate and Mint Combo - came to me at 3:00 in the morning, I'm sure!

1 package Chocolate Cake Mix (your favorite)
1 tub of chocolate frosting
2 packages of Andes Creme de Menthe Baking Chips

Cook cake according to package directions in a 13x9 pan.  Let cool completely (don't try to skip ahead, you'll regret the mess).  Crumble cake into a large bowl.  Stir in one tub of frosting...yes the whole thing.  Some people only use 1/2 a tub, but the secret to moist cake balls is the amount of frosting!  Make sure the mixture is thoroughly combined, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty!  Using a small cookie scoop, scoop out cake balls onto a parchment paper lined tray that will fit in your freezer.  You will probably need 2 or 3.  Once complete, place the cake balls in your freezer for at least an hour, longer if you have the time.  Remove a tray from the freezer and working in small batches (think 1/3 cup) melt the Andes chips in a microwave safe bowl for 20-30 seconds.  Stir to create a nice smooth chocolate, then begin by dipping one cake ball at a time into the chocolate.  Cover completely, then remove with a spoon.  Place on parchment paper to cool.  Keep working in small batches until you have 5 to 6 dozen tasty treats!  I like to store these in the refrigerator, there's something about a cake ball being cold!  It just seems right!

That's it!  Easy as...well cake balls of course!  It will seem a little time consuming having to wait between each step, but it will be well worth the wait.  There's just enough mint in each of these to balance out the delicious chocolate goodness!  One bite and you will be hooked.  And remember it's just a method so you can choose whatever cake flavor and frosting flavor you like!  The cake ball world is at your fingertips my friends!  I'm off to polish off the other 5 dozen now, I might need professional help!

I have to add a shameless plug here: Did you check out my Giveaway Post?  You don't want to miss it!

Don't forget to hop on over to the other baker's blogs this week!  It's hard to believe that we are 7 weeks into this project.  That means Christmas is just around the corner.
Week 7 Twelve Weeks of Christmas:


  1. Oh I love the idea of this! I love Andes Mints!

  2. These look delish! I too love the mint/choco combo!

  3. This is perfect! I had a double batch of cupcakes stick miserably to the pan (no liners, didn't grease enough). I stuck them in a covered dish in the fridge and have been looking for a way to use their delicious, but un-presentable, crumbs and chunks. Thank you! My husband will LOVE these :-)

  4. What a fantastic idea - I mean, cake balls are awesome anyways, but to add the mint element - sheer genius!

  5. I love the mint chocolate coating, what a fabulous idea! I'm making cake balls for a holiday party and I will definitely have to remember this. :)

  6. The Andes mints make these cake balls over the top delicious, I'm sure!

  7. I love Andes mints. I can only imagine the lusciousness of these cake balls.

  8. Wow, we are going to be trying these. I love Andes mints and I love cake balls. These look fantastic. They were the first ones I went to on the food party, and not because they were at the top, because I was a ways down on the list!

  9. I love cake balls and my daughter loves mint. We might have to spend a day making mint cake balls!

  10. WOW! WoW! WOW! I am seriously taken by this fabulous recipe you have shared with us this week! My goodness does it look good...especially for those of us that just adore mint and chocolate together! SUPER yum here!

    Happy Friday!
    ~avril :-)

  11. You always come up with some amazing stuff! I've given your blog an award. You can check it out here

  12. I'm new at this "Cake Ball" thing, but love the do you use chocolate frosting? Love your blog...

  13. Thanks Laurie! For these I did use Chocolate Frosting. You can really use whatever flavor of cake and frosting combo you like, it will all taste fantastic! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I know you say to use the entire tub of frosting but it was WAY too much. They were not simply moist, they were very gooey and mushy. I'm sure they would've been sufficiently moist with only half of the tub. That's just my personal preference. Other than that, great idea and great recipe!

  15. Anonymous~I find that a whole tub tastes the best to me. Like you said, it's personal preference, I have heard anything from 1/2 a container to a whole container of frosting. I prefer super moist cake balls and don't have a problem with them being too gooey. I use a cookie scoop and then place them in the freezer for about 20 minutes to harden. Once they are hardened, I coat them and then immediately place them in the fridge where they stay until they are ready for the Party! :) Perhaps the frosting chosen makes a difference too. I typically use the Milk Chocolate Betty Crocker Frosting. Thanks for the comment.
