Friday, June 14, 2013

Well, Well...Look Who's Back!

Wow...two years exactly since my last post. Something is wrong with this. I love blogging, I truly do. I love sharing recipes and fun shopping finds, and I love reading comments from readers here. So why the long break? Good question, and I wish I had a good answer for that. Life got busy and I tried to wear too many hats at once. I couldn't juggle being a great wife, loving mommy, housekeeper extraordinaire, trying new recipes all the time blogger and run a work from home party business. I have realized how much I truly miss the baking and blogging (and shopping and scrap booking and blogging). I love to be in my kitchen experimenting and playing around with new ingredients. It brings me great joy. And so does sharing that with all of you on the other side of this screen. I've put a few of my hats aside and reevaluated my priorities. My hubby and sweet boys are top of that list, followed by my need to reconnect with my crafty, baking, fashion sharing side.  So that's why I've decided (exactly two years to the date) to try again. {by the way, as much as I tried to lose the housekeeping hat, it didn't work! Someones got to do it, right!}
Don't get me wrong, I'm still juggling too many things and probably won't be able to post nearly as much as I like. C and I have added a new addition to our family. From here on out, he will be called  "Little Dude." We love our sweet new guy to pieces! And he and Little Man get along so well! But let's just say that Little Dude is not a good all. He doesn't give Momma and Daddy a whole lot of down time and one of us is always holding him or laying right beside him while he sleeps. Totally not what we pictured for sleeping arrangements, but at least we are sleeping some. I tell you that because I don't get a lot of time in the kitchen these days. My time in there is generally spent throwing together a quick dinner and washing what feels like a million baby bottles! Anyone else know that feeling? But, I'm tired of missing out on sharing all the great recipes and cute things I find. I miss it, so that is why I'm going to try again...starting slowly and get this thing back up and running!
I can't wait to start sharing with you all! And help me remember that it's okay to switch to my crafty hat some days, okay!

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